
Go Deeper

Tropical Storm Fringe: Will You Be Ready?

Posted August 30th, 2007

Local crazies are stocking up on duct tape, batteries, and sunless tanner, but it’s not that kind of tropical storm—if you really want to be prepared for this one, we suggest you go outside, look up at the sky, and open your mouth—if these aren’t the most delicious raindrops you’ve ever tasted, add a bay leaf, and then tell us how you feel.

Starting today, Live Arts and Philly Fringe artists from near and far will bring their latest creations to the city—you’ll see them at venues all over town, in city parks, on the streets, and in the comfort of your own living room. You may even notice them parachuting through town, just like they did on the pages of the 2006 guide.

This year, we will catch up with the advent technology by running a festival time blog (FTB). Think of the FTB as an ever-growing eccentric and sometimes scandalous electronic library. Each day we’ll add info on festival happenings, the latest festival press coverage, links to artist videos, video webisodes by Woodshop Films, artist interviews, info on last-minute discounts, and of course, festival gossip.

Click around, see what’s new, and get ready for two weeks of unbridled barometric madness.

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