
Go Deeper

Call for Artists! 2015 Fringe Festival

Posted April 28th, 2015
2015 Neighborhood Fringe
Registration begins has begun at!

Yes, my friends, it is that time of year again, that time of year to starting gearing up to the 2015 Fringe Festival. Independently produced work is the bedrock of Festival, with artists and companies presenting their work in the Neighborhood Fringe, where each neighborhood of the city gets its very own Festival identity—Kensington Fringe, Old City Fringe, South Philly Fringe, and on—and the whole city is teeming with Fringe craziness.

Some things to know: early registration closes May 1st and the final day to register will be June 4th. There are new things happening, we have teamed up with Artists U to lead the workshop sessions which help artists with all the aspects of producing a show; we’re doing Scratch Nights in August featuring excerpts from Neighborhood Fringe shows; and we’re even introducing a Digital Fringe, a Fringe that lives on the internet!

Get all the details and register at Here’s Neighborhood Fringe Coordinator Jarrod Markman at the signup party:

Jarrod at Fringe Festival Signup Party