
Go Deeper

Head to Kensington for FLUX TASK 2

Posted September 6th, 2008

It’s rainy–are you feeling bored and impoverished? Fear not! Just put on your slicker (or a trashbag) and head for FLUXspace, one of Philly’s burgeoning centers for new visual artists. From 5-10pm tonight, Oliver Herring’s TASK will be back for a second round, free of charge (as usual). What begins as a room full of people and a bucket of interpretable instructions becomes an entirely self-perpetuating performance. There will be music, food, activity, and certainly some uncertainty in this participatory party! Just pick a task from the bucket, and get to work.

<%image(20080906-FluxTASK web.jpg|350|240|Photo: Oliver Herring)%>

Here are a few tasks from 2007:

Find someone with a tinfoil hat. Steal it.

Sprint ten laps around the gallery. Go!

Tell someone, “Way to go Einstein!” real sarcastically like a jerk.

Zip-tie yourself to someone for five to ten minutes.

Get everyone in the room whose name starts with “m” to get together and sing “Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.

Sound like fun? Click here to see a video of TASK 2007.
FLUX TASK 2 is from 5-10pm tonight at FLUXspace, 3000 N. Hope Street.