Houses for Artists
Trish Kelly has been a good friend to the Philadelphia Live Arts Festival & Philly Fringe. In her daytime life, she’s a real estate agent with Plumer.
If you know anybody leading the artist’s life, you know that it can be a pretty piecemeal business. In addition to being a friend of ours, Trish has been a pretty good friend to artists too. Her specialty is helping artsy types buy homes – a challenging proposition when your income fluctuates a bit.
Tonight, Trish is hosting a seminar for first-time home buyers. Stop by, say hi for us, and find out what exactly the possibilities are, you itinerant dancer/actor/performer/painter/video artist/playwright, you.
Tonight, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, 226 South Street. Call 215-922-4200×242 for more info.