
Go Deeper

Fringe Poems: The Brothers Flanagan by The Flanagan Project

Posted July 31st, 2009

The Flanagan Project folks, whose Philly Fring play The Brothers Flanagan presents a South Philly pub and its co-owner brothers under stress because of a serial killer, offer up a limerick and a haiku for your consideration:

There once were two brothers named Flanagan,
Whose pub was in Philly near Oregon.
Francis says “Sell!”

says Sam “Go to hell!
“And this bat’s up yer ass if you start again.”

So far so good, we’re getting the gist. But then whoa:

We build a church
Hungry for a god to love
And it eats us

Got a limerick or haiku about your Fringe show? Send it my way – nicholas[at]pafringe[dot]com.

–Nicholas Gilewicz

Photo by Howard Silverman.