
Go Deeper

Fringe Limerick: Murder! by Dark Side Theatre

Posted August 13th, 2009

Whew, late start today. Before I give you some pretty pictures (and there are a lot of pretty pictures to come), let’s kick the morning – OK, mid-afternoon – off with a poem. From Jillian Taylor, for Dark Side Theatre:

There once was an actor named Paul,
Dead, in a closet off the hall.
His friends’ wives he’d bed,
He gambled into the red,
So motives are ample for all.

Murder! from Dark Side Theatre opens September 4 at the Gruber Theatre, Chestnut Hill College.

Do you have a limerick or haiku about your Fringe show? Send it my way – nicholas[at]pafringe[dot]com.

–Nicholas Gilewicz

Photo by Peter Mrsich.