Shameless Plug: Ellery Biddle Left Us To Communicate From Cuba
Well, these days, communicating about Cuba via her blog, half-wired. Ellery used to be the Philadelphia Live Arts Festival & Philly Fringe communication manager, but then she left us to pursue a master’s degree in Latin American Studies at the University of Chicago. (A choice endorsed by me as a fellow alumnus GO MAROONS!)
half-wired is an outgrowth of her research into the Cuban online media landscape, and hopes to pull together thoughts and perspectives on the relationship of Cuban media to Cubans, and on how online media is starting to help bridge the knowledge gaps created by state-controlled media in the country.
Wish Ellery congrats—she’s also working this summer at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard, which is a pretty big deal—and check out half-wired.
–Nicholas Gilewicz