
Go Deeper

Want To Win An All-Access Festival Pass? Here’s How To Enter

Posted August 11th, 2010

Social activist, cultural gadabout and producer, photographer, and all-around awesome guy and longtime friend-of-the-Festivals JJ Tiziou has relaunched his website. If you know JJ, you know that he’s committed to Philadelphia’s cultural scene, social justice here and abroad, and, generally speaking, a communitarian approach to cultural production.

So, go to to peep the redesign, and take a survey about how you think JJ and the site should continue to engage their respective communities. Understanding audiences is vital—without understanding you we can’t engage you—and JJ is even more committed than most artists.

And if you give him your feedback (do it now!) you’ll be entered to win an all-access pass to the 2010 Live Arts Festival and Philly Fringe. Drawing is Friday, so hurry! If you win, you can challenge me and Brett Mapp to see who can make the most shows this year.

–Nicholas Gilewicz