
Go Deeper

Philly Fringe Limerick: Felon Fiercely

Posted August 30th, 2010

Awwww hell, it’s getting apocalyptic up in here! Or maybe that’s just been how last week broke for me. Wait, nope, not just me! I hear Mercury was in retrograde, and that Joe Fiercely is back with this limerick about the 2010 Philly Fringe show Felon Fiercely: Live at the Apocalypse, which opens Friday night.

Some say 2012’s the last chapter
Felon Fiercely’s a band of detractors
So please come along
And take in their songs
Cuz they’d rather you all die of laughter

Holy crap, the Festival is this week! Felon Fiercely: Live at the Apocalpyse opens this Friday, September 4 and runs every Friday and Saturday night throughout the Festival. O’Neal’s Pub, 611 South 3rd Street, Philadelphia. 8:00 pm, $15. For details and tickets, click here.

–Nicholas Gilewicz

Image by Joe Quirk.