
Go Deeper

Festival Bar: The Final Countdown

Posted September 18th, 2010

This is the end. My only friend, the end. Your plan for today, of course, is to pack as many shows as possible into your very last day of the Live Arts Festival and Philly Fringe. Then, whenever you’re done, 9:00, midnight, whenever, you’ll come by the Festival Bar to rehash/relive your Festival days and then, quite possibly, almost certainly, blur them in a haze of whiskey and sweat on the dance floor in your final, epic night. Tomorrow, you’ll be able to piece it all back together. Probably.

But tonight: Festival Bar. 9:00 pm onwards, sets by Peter Dragontail, Dave Tat, and Mike Mesa, no cover, 21+, friends, artists, artist-friends, cutting loose because you don’t have to wake up until Monday. See ya!

–Nicholas Gilewicz