
Go Deeper

This Weekend: Bill Hebert’s CEC Dance Showcase

Posted September 25th, 2010

So, how was your festival? Do you still need new dance? Probably. If so, stop on by sometimes-Festival-photog Bill Hebert’s showcase at West Philly’s Community Education Center. Ten performances, five each tonight and tomorrow, will tease you along through the weekend before you head on down to the action going next week at Fringe Wilmington (story on them to come!).

Bill’s lineup:

Alchemy Dance
Dante Puleio
Choreosplat (Kelly Turner)
Winged Woman Dance (Tina Heuges)

kerPlunk Dance (Katherine Richardson)
Charles Tyson
Monarch Dance
Jessica Warchal-King

And for a hint of what you’ll see, peep the video slideshow below, with great pics from Bill:

BHPhotos dance showcase is up tonight at 7:30 pm and tomorrow at 7:00 pm at the Community Education Center, 3500 Lancaster Avenue, West Philadelphia. $10, $8 for students.

–Nicholas Gilewicz