
Go Deeper

Change your field of vision: BLINDSPOT

Posted February 23rd, 2011

Feb 24 – March 6
Taking place at Philadelphia’s historic Christ Church and Neighborhood House Theater.

Anna Drozdowski of ladybird and Dustin Hurt of bowerbird describe themselves as “people who organize things.” This ability led to a conversation about curation and the desire to use their skills to help others showcase their own talents with a new lens. They wanted to bring artists together who might not have worked together before. The conversation continued until it resulted in the co-production, BLINDSPOT.

I got a chance to catch up with Anna, and talk about her vision of BLINDSPOT.

BLINDSPOT is about cross-pollinating communities and encourage[ing] conversation across artistic disciplines – whether it is via a pipe organ concert, dance performance, or somewhere in the middle.

BLINDSPOT will also ask its audiences, “How live is what you are seeing?” or rather show the shades of grey between improvisation and choreographed performance. For example, while you can write down music, the sound can change based on a whole variety factors, such as instrument quality. How much control does one really have over choreography?

BLINDSPOT, as a name, comes from the concept that we live and work in a city where we simply just don’t know some of the things that are hidden in it. One person can only know [and experience] so much. As some of the work in BLINDSPOT has never been seen before, hidden from past audience experience, it echoes the concept of a visual blind spot. Without turning your head, you wouldn’t know what it is that you were missing.

Turn your head. Don’t miss BLINDSPOT. Starts tomorrow.

Interview with Anna Drozdowski February 23, 2011.