
Go Deeper

City Paper on “Queen of All Weapons”

Posted July 19th, 2011

Since coming to Philly from the Bay Area, John Rosenberg has been pushing the edge of the theater scene—figuratively, with his adventurous and self-produced Hella Fresh Theatre productions, and literally, with Hella Fresh in residence at the Papermill Community for the Arts, deep in Kensington.

So check out Bruce Walsh’s City Paper piece celebrating both, on the occasion of Hella Fresh’s production of The Queen of All Weapons, up now through the end of the month. For a Festival Blog Q&A with John about the show, click here.

Hella Fresh Theatre’s The Queen of All Weapons runs weekends through July 31 at the Papermill Theater, 2825 Ormes Street, Kensington. $10.

This fall, Hella Fresh will bring Jericho Road Improvement Association to the 2011 Philly Fringe, also at Papermill. Weekends during the Fringe, September 3, 4, 10, 11, 17 and 18. All shows 2:00 pm, $10.

–Nicholas Gilewicz