
Go Deeper

Philly Fringe Vital Stats: Pascale Smith

Posted August 29th, 2011

You met one of her sisters on Friday; today, meet the young impresario behind Neil LaBute’s Bash: Latter-Day Plays, three short plays depicting purportedly good Mormons doing dark things. (These works are what got him booted from LDS, by the way . . .)

Name: Pascale Smith

Age: 17

Where do you live now? I was born and have always lived in Philadelphia.

What was the first thing you stole? When I was in preschool, I stole a huge pink hair bow from K-Mart. My mother was so appalled by its ugliness that she forced me to return it.

What’s your favorite alcoholic beverage? Just please don’t tell.

What was the last performance you saw? My sister blowing hot glass in our garage,
ten minutes ago.

What’s the worst thing you ever did for money? When I was five, I picked up a thousand spilled beads from my sister’s carpet for a dollar.

Who’s your favorite Phillies player? I’m a fake fan. I can’t actually tell them apart.

Do you know what the Internet is? I’m seventeen. I AM the internet.

If you weren’t an artist, what would your job be?  I’d be a baker, of course. My cinnamon buns are to die for.

What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever seen on SEPTA? Buses driving down the street, so full of Philly high school students that the doors won’t shut. Half of the space inside was taken up by enormous backpacks.

Bash runs September 14, 16, and 17 at the Moonstone Arts Center, 110A S. 13th Street, Second Floor, Center City. 8:00 pm each night, $15.

–Nicholas Gilewicz