
Go Deeper

Philly Fringe Preview: Deer Head

Posted September 13th, 2011

Our occasional colleague Josh McIlvain also writes plays. Some of them, he claims, are funny. (They actually are funny, but because he’s become somewhat of a demonic character in this blog we have to ride him a bit.) Preview for DEER HEAD below, including a bit that reminds me of my last time trick-or-treating . . . when I was 17. It was a very good year.

DEER HEAD: yet another—though equally hilarious, and perhaps even more so, as the first two—evening of outrageous short comedies by Josh McIlvain runs September 14 through 17 at the Performance Garage, 1515 Brandywine Street, Spring Garden. 7:00 pm each night, $15.

–Nicholas Gilewicz