Philly Fringe Vital Stats: Tina Brock
When we sent out the Vital Stats questionnaire, we asked Philly Fringe participants to answer both wacky and more-than-mild questions. In keeping with our ignorance of American taboo, we asked artists to provide their age, and it’s been rewarding to watch my inbox fill up with proof of inter-generational Fringe-ing.
But dear Fringe artists, this is a cry for action: enough is enough. Many of you have forgone numerals, and instead have answered my question of age by writing “Older than you.” I’m tired of feeling like a wide-eyed joey! Sure, I now consider your childhood toys to be vintage and kitschy, and I use them to decorate my apartment. That abacus made a perfect paperweight! Or the spirograph that Tina Brock, director of 2012 Philly Fringe’s Ivona, Princess of Burgundia, noted as her favorite. I was at a loss; what was this wild plaything, and why is there not an iPhone app for it? Then I found the above commercial on YouTube; Tina you are the original hipster!
After the jump: Tina reveals her presidential blood.
Name: Tina Brock.
Age: Older than you.
Where were you born? St. Louis, Missouri.
Show Title: Ivona, Princess of Burgundia.
Explain your performance in 2 sentences. To an 8-year-old. The Prince wants to wed the Princess and his parents aren’t having it because she’s the town outcast. Mayhem ensues.
What was your favorite toy as a kid? Spirograph. [Audrey’s boss’s note: the spirograph was awesome —NG.]
Did you go to college or grad school? If so, where? Both, University of Maryland, West Chester University; Rutgers University.
Marvel Comics, or DC? My son says Marvel.
Do you have relatives more famous than you? Dwight Eisenhower.
The Idiopathic Ridiculopathy Consortium presents Ivona, Princess of Burgundia September 5 through 8, 11 through 15, 18 through 22 at 7:30 pm, and September 9, 16, and 23 at 2:30 pm at Walnut Street Theatre Studio 5, 825 Walnut Street. $15.
–Audrey McGlinchy