Philly Fringe Vital Stats: Meaghan O’Hare
If you’ve ever been on South Broad Street in Center City, you know that the University of the Arts dominates those blocks. At the 2012 Philly Fringe, within their walls lies The Walls, which has its final performance tonight at 7:00 pm. After the jump, actress and UArts student Meaghan O’Hare lays out her vitals.
Name: Meaghan Campbell O’Hare.
Age: 20.
Where were you born? Prince George County, Virginia. Ever heard of it? Neither has the rest of civilization.
Where do you live now? A studio apartment in Philadelphia far, far away from the shrieks of my three little sisters.
Show Title: The Walls.
Explain your performance in 2 sentences. To an 8-year-old: Once upon a time there was a little girl whose mommy was sick. She wanted to save her mommy, but she was afraid that she would catch what Mommy had, so she sent her away someplace clean and safe so that the little girl might have a chance at life.
What was your favorite toy as a kid? BARBIES. I would stay up all night interior decorating my Barbie house. VHS covers make great Barbie beds.
What do you love (or hate) most about Philadelphia audiences? I love that one guy who gives an audible response to how he’s feeling about things. I was in a show where my entrance line was “Did I startle you?” and this husky voice from the back responds, “Huh…YES.” Instant gratification.
What would you do if you just inherited a pizzeria? Sigh. Get a gym membership.
Favorite coffee shop? What do you order? I don’t really do coffee, but if we’re talking breakfast, chicken and waffles is actually EVERYTHING. The centuries long dispute over sweet or savory for breakfast has finally been put to rest.
Marvel Comics, or DC? Whichever one Spiderman is? My lack of cool is showing.
What’s your favorite nickname for Philadelphia? Illy.
What’s the worst piece of advice you ever received? Did you follow it? I was advised by a former softball coach that my talents would be wasted if I went into theater rather than softball. So . . . nuh-uh.
What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever seen on SEPTA? I’ve actually never had a bad SEPTA experience. And I promise SEPTA isn’t holding a gun to my head making me say that. (HELP ME)
A doctor puts a scope inside your ear. What does she see? My brain, wherein lies an archive of every CSI episode ever aired on television and my 10-year-long desire to play a murder victim on that show.
Do you have relatives more famous than you? Apparently my uncle got paid a lot of money in his younger days to show his butt in a shower scene in some movie.
The Walls runs for one more performance, tonight at 7:00 pm at the Caplan Studio at the University of the Arts, 211 South Broad Street. $20.
–Audrey McGlinchy