Beautiful Day in Your Neighborhood Fringe: Fishtown and Kensington
The final weekend of the 2013 Fringe Festival is here. Is your energy up? Because in each neighborhood, the fest is still going strong. Here’s what’s going on in Fishtown and Kensington.
Temple students and grads always rep Fringe hard, as four up and coming dancers do in Beautiful Extremities, closing tonight at Pig Iron School Studio One at Crane Old School, 1417 North 2nd Street, 6:30 pm. $15.
Behind-the-scenes look at the lives of strippers at the strip club. Fringe? You betcha. (It’s really up in the Great Northeast, but this is where we grouped it in the catalog, so there you go.) Stripped of Common Sense runs today and tomorrow at 5:00 pm at DayDreams, 5200 Unruh Avenue. $15.
Sea monsters! In The Sea Monster, closing tonight at 7:00 pm at Walking Fish Theatre, 2509 Frankford Avenue. $8-$10.
Continuing the sexy/sexing tip, The Safe Word is Begonia/He Deserves It explores the world of 1950s S&M at Walking Fish Theatre, 2509 Frankford Avenue, 9:00 pm. Closing tonight, $15.
–Nicholas Gilewicz