Beautiful Day in Your Neighborhood Fringe: South Philly
The final weekend of the 2013 Fringe Festival is here. Is your energy up? Because in each neighborhood, the fest is still going strong. Here’s what’s going on in South Philly.
The last happy hour of The Waitstaff Happy Hour is tonight at L’Etage, 625 Bainbridge Street, 7:30 pm. $15.
Project Moshen is back for one-night-only of TRAPPED, a dance piece about an inmate trapped in a military prison. Tonight only at CHI Movement Arts Center, 1316 South 9th Street, 7:00 pm and 9:00 pm, $20.
Bathtub Moby Dick, in which Moby Dick is read in a bathtub (really, it’s fun!) by a man who’s going a bit insane (OK, maybe less fun, but still cool), performed in a bathtub in Point Breeze. Tonight and tomorrow, 6:00 pm, 18th and Wharton. Exact address issued after ticket purchase, which will set you back $15.
Only one more night of Go Long Big Softie from The Groundswell Players at the Torrent Collective, 938 South 8th Street, tonight at 8:00 p.m. $15.
And Zacherle is of course back, and winding down today and tomorrow. Happy Birthday Kim Hunter runs at the Church of the Crucifixion’s Parish House, 2nd Floor, 620 South 8th Street. 9:30 p.m. tonight, 2:30 p.m. tomorrow, $15.
–Nicholas Gilewicz