Lobby Mural Open Call
FringeArts is seeking submissions for an original, semi-permanent, mural installation in our recently renovated public lobby.
FringeArts is Philadelphia’s home for risk-taking, innovative, genre-defying contemporary art. We strive to uphold values of risk, trust, passion, excellence, and care. Artists may wish to reference our history of performances spanning theater, dance, music, opera, and performance art as inspiration. The mural should reflect and interpret this mission irrespective of genre, style, and content. FringeArts’ lobby is a multi-use public space connecting our partner restaurant and the FringeArts theater. During August and September, the lobby space is transformed into a community board promoting the hundreds of performances that make up the Philadelphia Fringe Festival. During this period the installation may be partially obscured.
FringeArts’ lobby is an interior, ADA accessible, high traffic area with no exposure to natural light. The available area is 52’ by 7’10”’, divided into three 14’8” sections by columns 2’9” wide by 10” deep. The surface is currently primed with flat white paint. The mural may incorporate one or all of these panels.
Submissions will be accepted through January 31st, 2023, with an installation period slated for March 2023. Three semi-finalists will be selected by FringeArts staff based on their portfolios and proposals. The winner will be determined by a public poll on the FringeArts website. The selected artistwill receive a $3000 honorarium, plus up to $1000 in materials costs.
To apply: Please submit a proposal including a brief project description (up to 350 words), optional concept mock-up, and up to five work samples via Google Form. Semi finalists will be notified via email.