
Go Deeper

Philly Fringe Recipe: Tiny Dynamite For Toads In Holes

Posted July 29th, 2010

Emma Gibson, the Philadelphian-by-way-of-Britain producer of Abi Morgan‘s Tiny Dynamite at this year’s Philly Fringe, sends us this recipe:

Because of the British connection I thought it might be pertinent to include a very British meal, Toad in the Hole. Not, I should add, what it sounds. Also, as I am vegetarian, I substitute veggie sausages for the meat. The origin of the name “Toad-in-the-Hole” is often disputed. Many suggestions are that the dish’s resemblance to a toad sticking its little head out of a hole . . . go figure!


1 1/2 cups of plain flour
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups of milk
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 lb good-quality sausage
salt and pepper


Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Sift flour into a bowl with a pinch of salt and pepper. Make a well in the center of the flour. Whisk the eggs and the milk into the center of the well in the flour, gradually to smooth out lumps. Cover and let stand 30 minutes.

Brown the sausages in a little olive oil and cook through, about 10 minutes.

Put sausages in a roasting pan, pour the batter over the sausages and place in oven. Cook for about 20 minutes or until the batter is risen and golden. Serve at once.

Serves 4 to 6.

Are you a Philly Fringe artist who cooks, or do you cook for a Philly Fringe artist? Email your recipes to nicholas[at]pafringe[dot]com.

Tiny Dynamite runs September 9 through 12 and September 16 through 18 at 2nd Stage at the Adrienne, 2030 Sansom Street, Philadelphia. Various times, $15.

–Nicholas Gilewicz

Photo by Robert Gilbert via Wikimedia Commons.