Philly Fringe Vital Stats: Candra Kennedy
Today, meet Candra Kennedy of PuppeTyranny, which is bringing Water Bears in Space to the 2011 Philly Fringe. The show fictionalizes the 2009 TARDIS experiment, in which, quoth their press release:
microscopic insects called ‘water bears’ became the first animals to survive in outer space. The play follows the journey of the water bears as they voyage into the vacuum of space, as well as the two scientists conducting the experiment as one struggles to make a name for herself in the scientific community and the other seeks to reinstate herself after a horrifying lab accident leaves her ostracized and thumb-less.
Not interested yet? PuppeTyranny was also responsible for the popular 2009 Philly Fringe show Rails, and just did the crazy Mouth Show at last weekend’s opening for AUX at Vox Populi Gallery. It was gross, by the way. Very funny and very awesome! But still gross.
Name: Candra Kennedy.
Age: 27.
Where do you live now? Fairmount, Philadelphia.
Where were you born? Lowes, Kentucky.
What was the first thing you stole? Some pink corn from a feed store (it was Kentucky after all). I was crushed when the color faded some days later.
What’s your favorite alcoholic beverage? A good glass of tequila.
What was the last performance you saw? Some clowns in Arequipa, Peru doing some very . . . unique . . . improv on the streets that included simulated fellatio on an audience member while wearing an American flag. I feel like there was something I lost in translation.
Does the fun stop there? No way. Click through for a video of the artist as a young girl, which prompted her to legitimately ask: “Child superstar, or crazed Bene Gesserit abomination?”
If you were a “Founding Father,” which one would you be and why? Can anyone honestly not pick Ben Franklin? Man had class.
Who’s your least favorite Founder? I suppose John Jay? I mean, who is this man?
Child superstar, or crazed Bene Gesserit abomination?
Do you care about the Civil War Sesquicentennial? I’m more into the Dodransbicentennial myself.
What’s the worst thing you ever did for money? Worked at Waffle House.
Do you own a gun? If so, have you fired it in anger? Only a water pistol, and never with anger, only cool precision.
Do you have pets? I have an aloe plant named muddles, a small stone man next to my door named muddles, and a hard drive, also named muddles.
What’s your job? I work as a standardized patient, and as an orientation and mobility specialist (teaching individuals with visual impairments or blindness mobility skills, such as how to cross streets and use public transportation).
What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever seen on SEPTA? I’m sure we’ve all seen some pretty raunchy things. Yesterday an old man actually hit me (very gently) as I got on the bus which was not so much disgusting as just strange.
PuppeTyranny’s Water Bears in Space runs September 3 at 10:00 pm, and September 5, 12, 14, 15, and 16 at 7:00 pm at Circle of Hope, 1125 S. Broad Street, South Philly. $10. For tickets, click here.
–Nicholas Gilewicz