

(chrysalis) Activation #4

jaamil olawale kosoko & Song Aziza Tucker

April 5, 2025

30 minutes


FringeArts Map

The (chrysalis: activations) unfolds as a hybrid media performance project offering an intimate glimpse into the transformative limbo where what is seen and what vanishes intertwine. This live art experiment putting the artist’s creative laboratory on view. In collaboration with movement artist Song Aziza Tucker and lighting designer LD DeArmon, this work navigates the delicate thresholds of being and non-being, hypervisibility and erasure. The work explores themes of memory, Black futures, queer archival strategies, and ecological grief.

Performance by Song Aziza Tucker.

Saturday, April 5 at 8:30 PM


140 N. Columbus Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19106

GA $25
PWYC options from $10+ available.
FringeACCESS $2
No one turned away for lack of funds. 

Miniball returns to FringeArts April 3–7, bringing together a dynamic lineup of performances, workshops, and events—all under one roof. Featuring a mix of brand-new works, colliding Split Bills, and exclusive work-in-progress performances, Miniball offers a space for artists and audiences to connect, experiment, and celebrate bold ideas.

The festival provides a platform for emerging and established artists to push boundaries, challenge conventions, and showcase their boldest and most imaginative creations. Don’t miss it!

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