2008 Kickoff Photos!
We had a blast at the second annual Festival Sneak Peek and Kickoff on May 1! Here are some photos from the event, which took place in at the very modish F.U.E.L. Collections gallery in Old City.
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Almost famous? Festival staff members John Emory and Danielle Hoffman wave to the crowd.
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Cerberus the three-headed dog threatened to eat our party guests! Karen Getz gave us a sneak peek performance of her work for the 2008 Festival, Disco Descending.
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Kate Watson-Wallace showed us a snippet of Car in the parking lot across the street. Thanks, PhillyCarShare.
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Friends and drinks were plentiful–everyone had a great time! Thanks again to the sponsors, donors, volunteers, artists, and friends who made this Festival Kickoff a success.
Photos by Elizabeth Hershey.