
Go Deeper

PRESS: how much does Philly Weekly love us?

Posted August 20th, 2008

They love us a lot! In addition to this epic cover story on Kate Wawa’s Car, they ran one lovely and mysterious profile on Jan Fabre, famed off-the-wall Flemish artist who will bring his new work, Another Sleepy Dusty Delta Day to the Festival for its US premiere. You’ll find this if you scroll past Wawa’s story. Click here, then scroll.

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THEN THERE’S MORE! Cooper Robb did his first round of Live Arts and Fringe picks for the season featuring Live Arts shows The show must go on, a dance and pop-music bonanza by French choreographer Jérôme Bel that will feature a totally local cast of acclaimed Philly performers; THE MeLTING BRiDgE, an eco-conscious globe-trotting tropical adventure brought to you by The Lucidity Suitcase Intercontinental/Thaddeus Phillips; and Karen Getz’ Disco Descending, which is that combination of Greek mythology and disco fever that you’ve been waiting for since John Travolta traded in his tight white bells for what was it now? Scientology. Right.


Philly Fringe picks included Hotel Obligado’s Beauty Is, directed by Dawn Falato (who you’ll also see in Disco Descending) and featuring choreography by Robin Marcotte; Temple Theaters’ In Conflict, a testimonial theater piece about the experiences of American military officers in Iraq; and Brat Productions’ radio play, Martha and Dotty: Microwave Mambo!

Click here to read the real thing.