
Go Deeper

Opportunities: Help, Win, Write

Posted June 18th, 2009

>>>Don’t forget: Artists U is here to help you artists get your acts together. Through monthly group meetings, and individual consultations every other week, Artists U helps you learn to plan your work, run your business (and you are a business, dontcha know), and overcome administrative hurdles. This year, nomination process is open, and self-nominations are invited. And I’m not recommending this just because we host it (although we are proud to do so). Check out the list of phenomenal artists with whom they’ve worked. Letters due Saturday, June 20.

>>>First Person Arts (see our feature on their salons from earlier this week) is running a national competition – “First Person America: In These Hard Times” – seeking stories about the travails and triumphs of American life right now. Written nonfiction, documentary films, and photographs all encouraged. Deadline is June 30; grand prize is $500 and finalists are invited to present at the 2009 First Person Festival later this year.

>>>Scribe Video Center is offering a master class this summer with the legendary Sonia Sanchez. Titled “Where Writing Comes From,” this is your opportunity to have one of the nation’s most renowned poets and playwrights help you craft a performance monologue over three weekly sessions. Starts July 22, but if you want in, you probably should register now.

–Nicholas Gilewicz