Artists & Their Coffee: Meg Foley
Name: Meg Foley
Company: Moving Parts/megfoley
Artistic occupation: Choreographer
First experience with coffee that made you understand coffee: I only started drinking coffee on the daily about a year ago and the kick in the butt that comes with coffee was pretty revelatory for me. It is definitely a different boost than drinking mate or black tea. Prior to that I considered coffee a decadent indulgence totally about taste: a cappuccino at the end of dinner or a cup of coffee on a lazy Sunday kind of thing. I grew up going to a lot of restaurants with my dad, who was a big foodie, and the ritual of the coffee at the end, after an amazing meal with amazing wine, that’s when I first got coffee I think on the pure pleasure level. And then when I started drinking it regularly, the whole other functional aspect of coffee revealed itself. It definitely can get the job done and also totally throw you off.
Coffee you drink at home: Usually the Artist Blend from Whole Foods.
How you like your coffee: With enough almond milk to make it a dark caramel color. And strong.
Average no. of cups per day: 1-2. I still can’t believe it—both that I functioned without the morning boost before and that now I’m so dependent on it.
Fave coffee shop: La Citadelle at 16th and Pine. Ultimo in South Philly is the runner up.
Fave fancy coffee drink: Hmmm turkish coffee. I don’t know if that’s considered fancy, but it’s a special occasion coffee drink for me. That and a cappuccino.
What’s the most inappropriate thing a barista has ever said to you? A barista told me that my hat was ridiculous. Granted it was a Russian rabbit fur hat and so when it’s not on my head it looks like I’m carrying a cat around. But he was pretty snarky about it. He did not appreciate the awesomeness of the hat, obviously.
Enough about coffee, what are you doing now? Currently I’ve got this improvisational solo practice going that is pretty wild. It plays with states of attention, sensation, guiding form, stamina, and how those three things relate to performativity and audience interaction, so I’m psyched to be getting to put it into play in actual performance. April 14th in JUXT[a]POSE at Studio34. Come come come!