Philly Fringe Vital Stats: RA Friedman
Picked last, or not at all, for the nude kickball team (now being referred to as this year’s festival)? Then here’s your chance to flash your best smile, leg, or cheek for the camera: Vintage photographer and founder of Tsirkus Fotografika RA Friedman is holding The Big Nude Pinhole Shoot as part of this year’s Fringe. The shoot will take place in close-to-total-darkness, so if you’re shy don’t fret! Plus if you participate you receive a copy of your gussied down, vintage-y self to hang alongside a picture of your cousin’s graduation. Come to RA’s opening tonight and you can sign up to bare it all on September 17. Check out CBS Philly’s coverage of the event, then read the photographer’s Stats after the jump.
Name: RA Friedman.
Age: Old enough to know better.
Show Title: The Big Nude Pinhole Shoot.
Explain your performance in 2 sentences. To an 8-year-old. MacGyver meets photography in a big empty space with a lot of naked people and makes pictures that you’d never see in a museum or in Playboy.
What’s your favorite nickname for Philadelphia? The City that has your back.
What’s the most disgusting thing you’ve ever seen on SEPTA? I’m sure I’ve caught at least one person emptying his bladder.
A doctor puts a scope inside your ear. What does she see? Sunbeams.
Do you have relatives more famous than you? Probably not, although both my dad and my uncle did work for NASA.
The Big Nude Pinhole Shoot at the Rotunda will hold its opening TONIGHT at 6:00 pm, and there will be a Meet the Artist event on September 11 at 7:00 pm, both happening at the Ven and Vaida Gallery, 18 South 3rd Street. The photo shoot runs September 17, from 8:00 – 11:00 pm at The Rotunda, 4014 Walnut Street. All events are free.
–Audrey McGlinchy