Hey, in case you missed the title of this piece it is A NEW FACEBOOK PAGE, HOW EXCITING.
Because we are now FringeArts and because the people at facebook can’t get with the program, we have started a new facebook page, with our new name on it! (FringeArts.)
What could be more exciting?
You liking our facebook page would no doubt be more exciting.
What does liking the FringeArts facebook page do for you? EVERYTHING. Plus exclusive access to photos, announcements, hints on what to do, and other random tidbits necessary for the continued rotation of our planet (Earth).
It wasn’t us who abandoned you because we had to make a new page, it hurt us to walk away from the old page. The meanies at facebook were trying to come between us with their rules.
But we can survive this together, and grow even stronger than before, because YOU WILL LIKE OUR NEW FACEBOOK PAGE.