
Go Deeper 2024 Philadelphia Fringe Festival: FRINGIES

2024 Philadelphia Fringe Festival: FRINGIES

Posted September 11th, 2024
Week 2 Frontrunners

Circus: I Think It Could Work, Full Out Formula

Theater: Pirate Queens, Brooke Shilling

Theater: Suddenly Last Summer, Die-Cast

Dance: Self Help | PANOPTICON, mignolo dance / TARANTISM

Music: For Love of Country, The Perspective Collective

Cabaret & Nightlife: MADCAP & BUSTY, Michael “Dola” Amendola, Arantxa Chávez, Tenara Calem, Tyler Catanella, Graham Cook & Jo Kramer.

Comedy: Crone Castle, Nulliparous Tits: Alicia McDaid and Rose Luardo

Comedy: Locker Room Pep Talk, Andrew Scharff

Comedy: #couplegoals, Stories & Makebelieve

Immersive/Interactive Experience: GHOST RIDE or the play that blows away, Agile Rascal Theatre

Week 1 Frontrunners

Theater: ADHD Mixtape, Terry Brennan

Dance: perennial, and other works for dance, Erin Busch, Elliot deBruyn, Savannah Green, Jerard Palazo, Sean Bailey

Circus: The Tire Swing, The Circus Opera Company

Visual Arts: Rogues’ Gallery, See/Hear Now Pop-Up Enterprises Worldwide

Comedy: Noah’s No-Show Show, Noah Max Levine

Kid Fringe: Hundred Acre Park, My Mother Once Read

Immersive/Interactive Experience: On Buried Ground, Christ Church Preservation Trust

Spoken Word & Storytelling: METER: Experiments in Petry, Music & Movement: Ella Gabriel Mason & Ardon Shorr

