Philly Fringe Vital Stats: Douglas Repetto
If you haven’t already, check out the preview of Douglas Repetto and his mechanical foals we posted back in July. The video got me so geared up to create my own motorized colt: I’ve since knitted a foal-shawl, purchased several canisters of Gerber foal formula, and riffled through the local library’s baby name books (if it’s a boy, Charles after his grandfather; if it’s a girl, Mary after her great aunt). Then of course, there’s the financial burden of being a single mother; how WILL I afford college tuition on a Fringe intern salary?
Original robot foal parent Douglas tried to assuage my worries by writing about bubble tea and France in his Vital Stats; read them, and then coo at a photo of Douglas’s human foal, after the jump.
Name: Douglas Repetto.
Age: 41.
Show Title: Monsters!
Where do you live now? Manhattan.
Explain your performance in 2 sentences. To an 8-year-old. Workshop: we’ll put together simple walking tables that look like foals. Performance: Strange things happen when you release a herd of robot foals in an archeology museum…
Do you have children? If so, do you love them? Yes. Often.
What was your favorite toy as a kid? Non-toys — things I took apart and attempted to “fix”.
What would you do if you just inherited a pizzeria? Install a bubble tea station and change the pizzeria landscape FOREVER.
Your refrigerator: condiments and beer, or real food? Too many veggies from the CSA.
Favorite coffee shop? What do you order? Joe, a local NYC chain. LARGE iced americano.
Do you have relatives more famous than you? By far the most famous Repetto is the French ballet shoe company!
Monsters: A Workshop and Happening runs September 16 at 2:30 pm for the workshop, and 4:00 pm for the happening, at the Penn Museum, 3260 South Street. $10 for adults, $8 for children.
–Audrey McGlinchy